Thursday, May 20, 2010

In Just One Short Week!

I was talking to a friend and she suggested that I keep up a blog while in Haiti throughout the summer. A few things came to mind when she said this. Ive never kept a blog before, so I wasn't sure how difficult it would be to make a successful post. I guess now is the time to say that my tech skills are pretty much non-existent. :) I wasn't, and still am not sure that I will have access to the Internet, or even electricity while in in Haiti. And lastly, I am kind of blown away by the fact that people would actually care to read what I have to say. So hopefully as I go through the summer, all of these issues will be addressed. I know my Internet access will be limited, but I'll try really hard to keep everyone updated as much as possible.  As I post I'm sure I'll get better at navigating the treacherous Internet blogging waters. I also hope that some people out there will randomly think about me, or want to know how I'm doing, and will take a peek at this amazing blog specimen.

I will be leaving for Haiti in just one short week!!! I've heard that life (or in my case, time) is like a roll of toilet paper: the less you have the faster it goes. I know that this saying is cheesy and ridiculous, but its true! In the last couple days I realised that I need to order a new licence, debit card, and vehicle registration. I need to finish up registration at for a few classes at Santa Fe, while planning a pre- wedding party for my best friend and the Senior Banquet at church, and packing for three months in a foreign country. In the mean time I've been desperately trying to spend time with my friends and family, because, news flash: I'm terrible at saying good-bye, even if it is just for a short time.

I'll be in Cap-Haitian, Haiti. Its a city in the Northern part of the island. The earthquake hit Port-Au-Prince, which is in the Southern part if the island, but I'm sure that there will be a lot people in Cap-Haitian who were  displaced by the earthquake. I can only hope that our interactions and ability to help will bless someone who was effected by that tragedy. While in Haiti, I will be a part of a team of missionaries. Brian and Tammie Wallace; missionaries extraordinaire, will lead myself, and six other students as we host groups that come from the states from week to week. The teams will come from all over the US to work with us and the Haitians to build class rooms for a local school, restart a feeding program for the kids in that school, re-vamp an elderly living facility, reach out to other kids in a local orphanage, and the list goes on and on. There is just so much to do. Honestly, I'm overwhelmed. So, if your not a praying person, just keep us in your thoughts. But if you are a praying person, please pray for everyone who will be working in Haiti this summer. Pray that God will help us to be safe, healthy, patient, effective, flexible, and open to all sorts of unexpected blessings.

Be strong and courageous and do not be afraid. The Lord goes with you each and every day.



  1. Love you, Felicia. I know you will be a strong example to all you come in contact with. Tom Buterbaugh

  2. Hi Felicia, I found your blogspot and will watch as you continue your journey with the Lord. May he bless and keep you through all your endeavors. "Mr. Bill"

  3. بمنعه ليمننم ثقيلة ؟

  4. Hey!! I am so excited for you and Jeff and the rest of the team! God is going to do amazing things in and through you!
    I will be praying!
    I love you!
    Ashley Groves :)

  5. Not to long ago in the Haiti Republic, ogres paraded thru the streets of haiti, causing the whole world to ripple as Haiti was destroyed.
    Then by a miracle of God, a heroess named Faleesh flew down and did half the work needed to repair Haiti from the Ogre attacks. She then needed to rest because she was exhausted.

    A month later, she began her ultimate mission of hunting down the Ogres...

  6. Felicia,I missed you this morning and prayed for you during Eric's sermon (although, it was good).I am proud of what you are doing and who you are. Say "Hey" to Tammie and Brian.....I feel better already-didn't know they'd be with you!

  7. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! miss you, and watever you do, dont catch anything!!! :(

  8. Why is Rain telling you not to catch anything. Like, how else are you susposed to get chicken for dinner? lol

    Hey Lovie, it's Mama, I sure do miss you. Hope all is well with you and everyone else there. Please tell Bryan and Tammy hello for me. Love Ya, Mama

  9. Hi Felicia, It was nice to see your picture in Jamie's wedding. Hope you had a nice time at the beach, you needed it! I look forward to seeing you back home in Gainesville. Bill Braun

  10. Hey There! It's Honey (otter creek church) Just thinking about all of you.
    Miss our time working and then worshiping together under the stars.
    I am lifting each one of you by name out loud before our Lord each day.
    He will provide. Keep in touch. Tell Jeff Ryan wants to tour Tenn. Tech.
    when he gets home. Love Ya, Honey
